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Maja Trochimczyk is a Californian poet, scholar, translator, photographer, and non-profit
director from Poland. She studied musicology at the University of Warsaw, Poland (M.A. 1986)
and sound engineering at the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw (now Chopin University of Music, M.A. 1987).
In 1988 she emigrated to Canada and in 1994 she earned her Ph.D. in musicology from McGill
University in Montreal. After a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada (1994-1996), Dr. Trochimczyk joined the faculty of
the USC Thornton School of Music as Director of the Polish Music Center (1996-2004).
She also received a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies
(2001-2002). Since 2004, Dr. Trochimczyk has continued her research and music history
activities as an independent scholar while being active as a poet and publisher,
as well as working as a development director for healthcare and human service organizations
in Los Angeles. Since 2007, she has served as Senior Director of Planning and Development at Phoenix House in California; since
2019 as
President of the California State Poetry Society. She is also the President of Moonrise Press and the President of Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club in Los Angeles.
She was the President of the Modjeska Club also in 2010-2012, and in 2009-2020 she served as Board Secretary and Communications Director of the Polish American Historical Association,
Dr. Trochimczyk is a member of the Polish Institute
of Arts and Sciences (since 1996) and of the American Musicological Society (since 1992); one of the editors o the Califiornia Quarterly, she also served
on the editorial board of the Ecomusicology Review.
Dr. Trochimczyk published seven books of music studies: Gorecki in Context: Essays on Music (Moonrise Press, 2017),
Frederic Chopin: A Reserch and Information Guide
(Routledge, 2015, co-edited with William Smialek), Lutoslawski: Music and Legacy (Polish Institute of Art and Sciences in Canada, 2014, co-edited
with Stanislaw Latek), Polish Dance in Southern California
(East European Monographs, Columbia University Press, 2008), The Music of Louis Andriessen
(New York: Routledge, 2002), After Chopin: Essays in Polish Music
(Los Angeles: Polish Music Center, 2000), and A Romantic Century in Polish Music
(Los Angeles: Moonrise Press, 2009). Her peer-reviewed articles on music and culture appeared in
American Music, Contemporary Music Review, Musical Quarterly, Computer Music Journal,
Muzyka, Studia Musicologica, Leonardo, Polish American Studies, Polish Review,
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians II (Macmillan), Women Composers:
Music Through the Ages (G.K. Hall), Lutoslawski Studies (Oxford University Press),
and The Age of Chopin (Indiana University Press), among other books and journals. Her list of publications includes 27 peer-reviewed articles,
and 17 book chapters, as well as hundreds of popular essays and studies.
Her musicology work was translated into Polish, German, French, Swedish, Chinese and Japanese. She gave papers at over 80 national and international conferences
and frequently presented her work at American colleges and universities.
Dr. Trochimczyk has been giving public readings and publishing her poetry since 2007.
Her poems appeared in the Clockwise Cat, California Quarterly, Cosmopolitan Review,
Magnapoets, Quill and Parchment, Ekphrasis Journal, Edgar Allan Poet Journal, Epiphany Magazine, Lily Literary Review,
Loch Raven Review, Lummox Journal, OccuPoetry, Quill and Parchment, Phantom Seed, Pirene's Fountain, poeticdiversity,
The Sage Trail, The Scream Online, San Gabriel Valley Poetry
Quarterly, Spectrum, Poezja Dzisiaj, Pisarze.pl and anthologies by Poets on Site, Southern California Haiku Study Group, and other collections.
Her books of poetry are
illustrated with her own photographs (Miriam's Iris, or Angels in the Garden, 2008 and Into Light, 2016, both from Moonrise Press), and Into Light (2016).
She also edited four anthologies of poetry. Chopin with Cherries: A Tribute in Verse
(Moonrise Press, 2010) celebrates the 200th birth anniversary of this composer
with a collection of 123 poems by 92 poets. Meditations on Divine Names (2012)
juxtaposes religious poetry by 64 poets of different spiritual traditions. Grateful Conversations: A Poetry Anthology,
co-edited with Kathi Stafford (Moonrise Press 2018) present the workshops and self-portraits of Westside Women Writers,
a 9-member women's writing group. We Are Here: Village Poets Anthology co-edited with Marlene Hitt, commemorates
the 10th anniversary of monthly Village Poets Readings held at Bolton Hall Museum in Tujunga with work by 80 poets (Moonrise Press, 2020)
Her fifth poetry book Slicing the Bread. Children's Survival Manual in 25 Poems was
published by Finishing Line Press in December 2014. This critically-acclaimed volume is based on war-time and post-war
memories of her parents and grandparents. Trochimczyk's sixth poetry collection, including some poems from
Slicing the Bread, is entitled The Rainy Bread. Poems from Exile (2016. For both books commemorating Polish refugees and exiles,
she received the 2016 Creative Arts Prize
from the Polish American Historical Association.
Many of Trochimczyk's poems are inspired by art and were presented at
art exhibitions in Southern California, including the Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pacific Asia Museum,
and private galleries. Her photographs
appear in The Houston Literary Review, poeticdiversity, Clockwise Cat, Epiphany Magazine, PAHA Newsletter, Moonrise Press books and in a number of newspapers and websites.
Her work was exhibited at group shows
at the Scenic Drive Gallery in Monrovia, the Modest Fly Gallery, Hellada Gallery, and the Colburn School of Music. Her first solo
photography exhibition, "Shadows-Leaves-Roses," took place in September 2013, in Monrovia. The second solo exhibit,
"Rose of Roses," was shown for three months in February-April 2017 in Sunland.
Maja Trochimczyk at the Scenic Drive Gallery, Monrovia, CA,
at the Poets Artists Exhibition, 2011, with her work "Tiger Nights."
- 2005-2006. California State University, Northridge. Professional development in Fund Raising and Institutional Advancement (Major Gifts,
Planned Giving, Ethics, Grant Writing, etc.).
1988-1994. McGill University, Faculty of Music, Ph.D., Musicology.
Dissertation (Maria Anna Harley): Space and Spatialization in Contemporary Music:
History and Analysis, Ideas and Implementations. Supervisors: Prof. Bo Alphonce and Prof. Susan McClary.
Degree awarded on 12 October 1994. Dissertation Full Text
Abstract: This dissertation presents the history of space in the musical thought of the 20th-century (from Kurth to Clifton, from Varese to Xenakis) and outlines the development of spatialization in the theory and practice of contemporary music (after 1950). The text emphasizes perceptual and temporal aspects of musical spatiality, thus reflecting the close connection of space and time in human experience. A new definition of spatialization draws from Ingarden's notion of the musical work; a new typology of spatial designs embraces music for different acoustic environments, movements of performers and audiences, various positions of musicians in space, etc. The study of spatialization includes a survey of the writings of many composers (e.g. Ives, Boulez, Stockhausen, Cage) and an examination of their compositions. The final part of the dissertation presents three approaches to spatialization: Brant's simultaneity of sound layers, Xenakis's movement of sound, and Schafer's music of ritual and soundscape.
- 1979-1987. F. Chopin Academy of Music, Warsaw, Poland, Faculty of Sound
M.A., Sound Engineering. Thesis (Maria Harley): On the Naturalness of Artificial
Adviser: Prof. Krzysztof Szlifirski.
- 1976-1986. University of Warsaw (Poland), Faculty of History, Institute of Musicology,
M.A., Musicology. Thesis (Maria Trochimczyk): On Aesthetic Problems of Music for Tape
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Zofia Helman.
1987. Centre Acanthes Summer Course in Contemporary Music (with Olivier
1983-1986. Summer Courses for Young Composers organized by ISCM (Polish Section);
(with Xenakis, Lutoslawski, Andriessen, Mache, etc.)
1974-1979. J. Elsner State High School of Music, Warsaw.
Diploma (viola; ensembles, music theory and history)
1972-1976. M. Kopernik State High School No. 33, Warsaw. Diploma (general studies; valedictorian).
- 2016. Creative Arts Prize for poetry books "Slicing the Bread" and "The Rainy Bread" from the Polish American Historical Association.
- 2016. Pushcart Prize for Poetry, Nominations for two poems from Into Light ("Awakenings" and "Repeat After Me") and from The Rainy Bread ("Shambhala" and "Asters"), published by Moonrise Press in 2016.
- 2014. Distinguished Service Award from the Polish-American Historical Association, for work as Communications Director and Newsletter Editor.
- 2012. Medal for the promotion of Polish culture "Zasluzony dla Kultury Polskiej" from the Minister of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Poland
- 2011. Congratulatory Resolution (large scroll) from the City Council, City Attorney, City Clerk and Controller of the City of Los Angeles,
and a five-signature scroll from the Los Angeles County Supervisors for 15 years of volunteering for the Polish American community in Los Angeles.
- 2010. Poet Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga, for the years 2010-2012, recognized by County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, State Senators and Assemblymembers.
- 2007. Polish American Historical Association's Swastek Award for the best article on Polish-American topic by an American scholar, published in 2007, for the article
published in the Polish American Journal.
- 2001-2002 Postdoctoral Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies, East European Committee, for a study of
Sound Constructions: Image, Number, and Space in 20th-Century Polish Music.
- 1999. Junior Faculty Award from the Southern California Studies Center (University of Southern California) for
Polish Dance in Southern California.
- 1998. Grants for International Conference, "Polish/Jewish/Music!" held at USC in November, from
Jewish Community Foundation, Ars Musica Poloniae Foundation, Ministry of Culture and Arts of the Republic of Poland,
Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles, Polish American Congress. (Served as conference chair and
- 1997-1998. J.H.Zumberge Fund Research Grant (University of Southern California)
for Virtual Encyclopaedia of Polish Music (Pilot Project).
- 1995. Eighth Annual Wilk Prize For Research in Polish Music-- Award for the best essay:
"At home with phenomenology: Ingarden's work of music revisited."
- 1994-1996. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Postdoctoral
Fellowship (held at McGill University in association with the University of
- 1990-1992. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Doctoral Fellowship.
- 1991. McGill University, Faculty of Music, Graduate Students' Essay Competition - First
Prize for best essay: "The Song of the Nightingale in Music."
- 1988-1990. Sarah Berlind Memorial Scholarship, Faculty of Music, McGill University.
- 1976-1979. Rector's Awards for Outstanding Students, Warsaw University.
- 1976. M. Kopernik State High School No. 33, Warsaw. Gold Medal for the Best
Graduate (Valedictorian).

Forthcoming Books:
| |
- Henry Brant
in Context: Essays on Music. Collection of conversations with the composer, 1992-2004. With essays about his music; list of works, calendar of life, index.
Forthcoming from Moonrise Press.
 | - Hanna Kulenty’s Musical Kitchen. Collection of
interviews with the composer; essays about her music, her M.A. thesis, Doctoral thesis and Habilitation thesis in English translation; with a list of works, discography, recipes and index. Forthcoming, Moonrise Press.

Books and Edited Volumes:
| |
- Gorecki in Context: Essays on Music. Seven interviews with Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki, 1962-2007; and
essays about his music, especially three symphonies,
by Teresa Malecka, Kinga Kiwala, Maja Trochimczyk and Andrzej Wendland. ISBN 978-1-945938-10-8. Paperback. 420 pages,
with bibliography, list of works, index and 66 illustrations (photos and music examples). Also published as 4 eBooks in ePub format.
More Information, December 2017.
- Benedict Spinoza: Ethics, An Outline, edited by Maja Trochimczyk, Moonrise Press, May 2017.
ISBN 978-1945938-08-5
An abridged reprint in gender-neutral language of a 19th century translation of "Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata" by Benedict de Spinoza (Baruch Spinoza, 1632-1677) first published in 1677. The 1883 translation by William Hale White (1831-1913), was rendered gender-neutral by Dr. Maja Trochimczyk. This is the second volume of Moonrise Press's Classic Wisdom Book Series,
- Frederic Chopin: A Research and Information Guide, co-authored with William Smialek; second, revised and expanded
edition (New York: Routledge, June 2015). ISBN 978-0-415-99884-0 This annotated bibliography
concerns both the nature of primary sources related to the composer and the scope and significance of the secondary sources which deal with him, his compositions,
and his influence as a composer. The second edition includes research published since the publication of the first edition and provides electronic resources.
- Lutoslawski: Music and Legacy, Edited by Stanislaw Latek and Maja Trochimczyk. (Montreal: Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in Canada;
Cracow: Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2014). ISBN 9788376761992 / ISBN 8376761994 / ISBN 9780986885143 / ISBN 0986885142.
Proceedings of the International Lutoslawski Conference, held at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, November 21, 2013.
 | - A Romantic Century in Polish Music. Collection of essays by
Magdalena Dziadek, Martina Homma, Krzysztof Rottermund, Krzysztof Szatrawski, Maria Zduniak, and the editor. Essays about Lipinski in Wroclaw, Lipinski's violins, Wieniawski's virtuosity, the reception of Wagner, Paderewski's mystique, women composers, and other issues.
Moonrise Press, December 2009. ISBN 978-0-9819693-3-6 Details.
| - Polish Dance in Southern California. East European Monographs Series, Columbia University Press, 2007.
A study of folk dance groups created by amateurs and the influence of folk-song-and-dance
ensembles from Poland on the Polish dance movement in America. Based on a 1999 research project
of the Southern California Studies Center at USC.
 | -
The Music of Louis Andriessen. Studies and interviews with the composer by Trochimczyk, additional texts by Dutch contributors: Elmer Schoenberger, Frits van der Waa,
and Reinbert de Leeuw. New York: Routledge, 2002, 317 pp. With music examples, diagrams, illustrations, list of works, discography, bibliography, index.
[See: Routledge (Taylor & Francis),
- After Chopin: Studies in Polish Music. Collection of essays about Szymanowski, Lutoslawski, Ingarden; and source readings by Polish composers discussing Chopin. Editor, translator, and author of 3 entries (introduction, essays on Ingarden,
and national anthems, listed below separately). Los Angeles: Polish Music Center at USC, 2000, 333 pp. Polish Music History Series, vol. 6.
- Polish Music Journal. Online, peer-reviewed journal for research in Polish music (since 1998). Founder and
Editor. URL: http://www.usc.edu/go/polish_music/PMJ. Vol. 1, no. 1 (1998, "Wilk Prizes"); vol. 1, no. 2
(1998, "Early music"); vol. 2, nos. 1-2 (1999, "The Chopin Year - I"); vol. 3, no. 1 (2000, "The Chopin Year - II);
vol. 3, no. 2 (2000, "Chopin and Lutoslawski"); vol. 4, no. 1 (2001, "Paderewski and Polish Emigres in America"),
vol. 4, no. 2 (2001, "The Unknown Paderewski"); vol. 5, no. 1 (2002, "Bacewicz and Wilk Prizes 2001"); vol. 5, no. 2 (2002, "Zygmunt Stojowski
and His Times"); vol. 6., no. 1 (2003, "Polish-Jewish Music: Sources and Studies"); vol. 6, no. 2 (2003, "Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki").
- Swiat Xenakisa [Xenakis's World]. Special issue of the Polish Musicological Quarterly, Muzyka 43, no. 4 (1998), 166 pp. Editor (Maria
Anna Harley). Articles by
Peter Hoffmann, James Harley, Maria Anna Harley, Mihu Iliescu, Benoit Gibson. Guest editor and author of 4 entries (as M.A. Harley; texts
listed below separately).

Books of Poetry:
| |
- We Are Here: Village Poets Anthology, co-edited with Marlene Hitt, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Village Poets Readings at Bolton Hall Museum in Tujunga, with work by 80 poets, 290 pages. Includes sections on Featured and Guest Poets, and on Poets Laureate of Sunland -Tujunga. Moonrise Press, September 2020. The volume includes work by: 15 poets laureate from California; 20 Pushcart Prize nominees – Accardi, Askew, Byrne, Canyon, Collins, Dobreer, Dove, Ford, Fancher, Luza, Leland-St. John , O’Brien, Jones, Pero, Reyna, Rinne, Rogers, Rummel, Skiles, and Terzi; 12 current and former college professors – Campbell, Kirby, Dove, Lipkin, Lummis, Peterson, Rummel, Rizk, Talwar, Trochimczyk, Saine, and Zaro; and eight poets with doctoral degrees – Dove, Lipkin, Mataric, Meyer (honorary), Peterson, Reyna, Saine, and Trochimczyk. Poets from the states of California, Illinois, New York, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington are represented along with those who have roots in 18 different countries: Argentina, Armenia, Cuba, China, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, the U.K., the U.S. and Vietnam.
ISBN 978-1-945938-39-9 (paperback), $22; ISBN 978-1-945938-40-5 (eBook, ePub), $10. More information: We Are Here
- Grateful Conversations: A Poetry Anthology, edited by Maja Trochimczyk and Kathi Stafford (Moonrise Press, June 2018).
ISBN 978-1-945938-22-1 (paperback).
This anthology is a portrait of a group of female poets from California, who come together each month to hone their craft and
share their verse. Known as Westside Women Writers and active as a group since 2008, they include Millicent Borges Accardi,
Madeleine S. Butcher, Georgia Jones Davis, Lois P. Jones, Susan Rogers, Kathi Stafford, Sonya Sabanac, Ambika Talwar and
Maja Trochimczyk. The volume includes poems written for seven workshops and self-portraits in poetry of the nine writers.
- Into Light: Poems and Incantations,
ISBN 9780996398190 (eBook), and
ISBN 9780996398183 (Paperback). This collection includes 30 poems and 12 "incantations" that focus on the intertwined spiritual concepts of Light and Love.
The poems, initially written within the Catholic mystical tradition of contemplation and adoration of the Divine presence, gradually
evolved to encompass a broader scope of spiritual insights, without losing the main focus: reaching out in Love to the One Light,
the Source of All. The simple and repetitive meditations and incantations are meant to inspire, uplift, and fill the heart with Light and Love.
- The Rainy Bread. Poems from Exile,
ISBN 9781945938009 (paperback) and
ISBN 9781945938016 (eBook). �The Rainy Bread: Poems of Exile� includes 30 poems about forgotten stories of Poles living
in the Eastern Borderlands of Kresy, who were killed, deported, imprisoned, or oppressed after the invasion of Poland by
the Soviet Union on September 17, 1939. These fact-based poems depict the
survival of Poles deported to Siberia, the Arctic Circle, or Kazakhstan. Some of them left the Soviet Union with the Second
Corps of the Polish Army under the command of General Wladyslaw Anders; were transported to refugee camps in India or Africa;
and ended up in Argentina, Canada, Australia or the U.S.
- Slicing the Bread. Children's Survival Manual in 25 Poems,
(Georgetown, KY: Finishing Line Press, 2014). This unique poetry collection, based on family memories, revisits the dark days of World War II and the post-war 45-year occupation of
Poland by the Soviet Union that "liberated" the country from one foreign oppression to replace it with another. The point of view is that of children,
raised by survivors, scarred by war, wary of politics. Children experienced hunger and cold, played with bullets, witnessed the killings, saw the darkening blood spilled
on the snow and hands stretching from locked boxcar windows...

- Meditations on Divine Names. An anthology of contemporary English poetry by 62 poets from different spiritual traditions and religious denominations, celebrating
the act of naming, the multitude of names, and the presence/revelation of the Divine through earth, water, air, fire, being and loving. Their poems represent Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism,
Kabbalah, Wicca, Sukyo Mahikari, and ancient Greek, Egyptian, Hawaiian, and Slavic religions.
March 2012, Moonrise Press. ISBN 978-0-9819693-8-1. Details.
- Chopin with Cherries: A Tribute in Verse. An anthology of contemporary English poetry by 92 poets with roots in Poland,
France, England, India, Australia, Serbia, and the U.S., celebrating Chopin's 200th anniversary of birth. The book is illustrated with vintage Chopin postcards and includes one translation - of "Chopin's Piano" by Norwid.
February 2010, Moonrise Press. ISBN 978-0-9819693-0-5.. Details.
Miriam's Iris, or Angels in the Garden. Los Angeles: Moonrise Press, 2008. A poetry collection organized around appearances
of six angels: Amor, the angel of romance; Eros, the angel of desire; Eloe, the angel of sorrow; Thanatos, the angel of death; Ellenai,
the angel of consolation; and Sophia, the angel of wisdom. Read a sample here.
Paperback without Photos: ISBN 978-0-578-00166-1
Hardcover with Color Photos: ISBN 978-0-9819693-2-9 |
See the list of poems published in online and print journals and anthologies
on the Poetry page.

Book Chapters:
- "Kim sa muzyczni emigranci?" [Who are the musical emigres?"] chapter in Sto lat muzycznej emigracji Gliwice: Fundacja MEA kultura, 2018, p. 35-38.
- "Marzenia transatlantyckie. Kompozytorzy w Ameryce" [Transatlantic dreams. Composers in America] in Sto lat muzycznej emigracji p. 68-77.
- "A w sercu Polska... czyli jak byc Polakiem w muzyce XIX wieku" [and Poland in the heart... or how to be a Pole in 19th century music], chapter in Sto lat muzycznej emigracji p. 112-116.
- "Amerykanskie lata Aleksandra Tansmana (1941-1946)" chapter in W Holdzie Aleksandrowi Tansmanowi, 1897-1986, ed. Anna Granat-Janki, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 2019: 135-162.
- "The American Years of Alexandre Tansman (1941–1946)", chapter in A Tribute to Alexandre Tansman (1897-1986), ed. Anna Granat-Janki, University of Wroclaw Press, 2019.
- "Górecki's Life and Music: A Bird's Eye View," Chapter 8 in Górecki in Context: Essays on Music, Los Angeles: Moonrise Press, 2017, p. 101.
- "Mothers and Motherhood in Górecki's Third Symphony and Other Works", Chapter 10 in Górecki in Context: Essays on Music, Los Angeles: Moonrise Press, 2017.
- "Górecki in Los Angeles, 1997," Chapter 13 in Górecki in Context: Essays on Music, Los Angeles: Moonrise Press, 2017.
- "Witold Lutoslawski and musique concrete: The Technique of Sound Planes and its Sources," in
Lutoslawski: Music and Legacy, Edited by Stanislaw Latek and Maja Trochimczyk. Montreal: Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in Canada; Cracow: Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2014.
- "Exiles or Emigrants? Polish Composers in America", Chapter 7 in Anna Mazurkiewicz, ed., East Central Europe in Exile,
Volume 1: Transatlantic Migrations, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013: 93-125.
- "1968 - Operation Danube, ISCM and Polish Music" in Eva Matzouriani, ed., Polish Music since 1945, Krakow: Musica Iagellonica, 2013: 81-92.
- "From Mrs. Szymanowska to Mr. Poldowski: Careers of Polish Women Composers,"
in A Romantic Century in Polish Music, Maja Trochimczyk, ed., Los Angeles: Moonrise Press, 2009, 1-46.
- "Searching for Poland's Soul: Paderewski and Szymanowski in the Tatras," in A Romantic Century in Polish Music, Maja Trochimczyk, ed., Los Angeles: Moonrise Press, 2009, 179-219.
- "Maria Szymanowska's Vocal Music." In Slawomir Dobrzanski, Maria Szymanowska: Pianist and Composer. Los Angeles: USC Thornton School of Music and Figueroa Press, 2006.
- "In Search of a Lost Genre: Unoperatic Operas of Louis Andriessen," in Maciej Jablonski, ed. Teorie Opery (Poznan: Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk, 2004).
"Chopin and the 'Polish Race': On National Ideologies and the Chopin Reception," chapter in Halina Goldberg, ed.,
The Age of Chopin: Interdisciplinary Inquiries, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004, 278-313.
- "From Art to Kitsch and Back Again? Chopin's Reception by Women Composers." In Irena Poniatowska, ed.,
Chopin and His Work in the Context of Culture [Proceedings of the Second International Chopin Congress, October 1999]. Krakow: Musica Iagellonica, 2003, vol. 2, 336-353.
- "Dans la Nuit: The Themes of Night and Death in Lutoslawski's Oeuvre,"
in Lutoslawski Studies, Zbigniew Skowron, ed.
London: Oxford University Press, 2001, 96-124. Polish version: "Dans la nuit" - motywy smierci i nocy w tworczosci Lutoslawskiego" ["Dans la nuit:" The motives of night and death in the music
of Lutoslawski," in Zbigniew Skowron, ed., Estetyka i styl tworczosci Lutoslawskiego" [Aesthetics and Style in the Music of Lutoslawski]. Krakow: Musica
Iagellonica, 2000, 117-150. Polish translation by Zbigniew Skowron.
"Bogurodzica Reborn: A Medieval Anthem in Contemporary Polish Music." (MAH).
Chapter in Mittelalter-Sehnsucht? Dorothea Redepenning and Annette Kreutziger-Herr, eds. Kiel,
Germany: Wissenschaftsverlag VAuk Kiel KG, 2000, 131-152.
- "Composing in Color: Marta Ptaszynska's Liquid Light" in Martina Homma, ed., Frau Musica (nova). Komponieren heute/ Composing today. German transl. by Martina Homma.
Sinzig: Studio Verlag, 2000, 307-330 [MAH].
- "Sacred/Secular Constructs of National Identity: A Convoluted History of Polish Anthems." (MT). In
After Chopin: Studies in Polish Music. Los Angeles: Polish Music Center, 2000, 246-268.
- "Penderecki's Ubu Rex and Surrealism in Polish Music Theatre," in Regina Chlopicka, ed.,
Krzysztof Penderecki's Music in the Context of 20th-Century Theatre.
Krakow: Academy of Music, 2000, 227-237.
- "Canadian Identity, Deep Ecology and R. Murray Schafer's The Princess of the Stars." (MAH).
Chapter of Soundscape Yearbook vol 1. Helmi Jarviluoma and R. Murray Schafer, eds. Tampere,
Finland: University of Tampere, 1998, 119-142.
- "The Polish School of Sonorism and its European Context,"
in Crosscurrents and Counterpoints: Offerings in Honor of Bengt Hambraeus at 70,
ed. Per Broman, Nora A. Engebretsen, and Bo Alphonce. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 1998: 62-77.
Reprinted in Polish as "Polski sonoryzm i jego europejski kontekst" [Polish sonorism and its European context], in
Dysonanse - Pismo muzyki wspolczesnej, no. 0 (Fall 1997).
- "Music as Text, Musical Movement and Spatio-Temporal Features of the Musical Work," in Musik als Text, vol. 2.
Proceedings of the Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft fur Musikforschung
"Musik als Text," (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, September 1993), ed. Hermann Danuser, Berlin: Barenreiter, 1998.
- "Maria Szymanowska's Vocal Music (article and an edition of Six Romances)."
Chapter of Women Composers: Music Through the Ages, vol. 4, Composers Born 1700-1799,
Vocal Music. Sylvia Glickman and Martha Furman Schleifer, eds. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1998, 396-600.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
- "History in Song: Maria Szymanowska and Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz's Spiewy historyczne"
in Annales de Centre Scientifique de'l Academie Polonaise des Sciences a Paris vol. 16 (2014):
- "On Genius and Virtue in the Professional Image of Maria Szymanowska" in Annales de Centre Scientifique de'l Academie Polonaise des Sciences a Paris, vol. 14 (2012): 256-278. Warsaw-Paris.
- "Chopin in Polish-American Poetry: Lost Country, Found Beauty." Polish American Studies, 67, no. 2 (Autumn 2011).
- "An Archangel at the Piano: Paderewski's Image and his Female Audience." Polish American Studies 67, no. 1 (Spring 2010): 5-44.
- "Chopin i 'polska rasa': O nacjonalizmie i recepcji Chopina," revised chapter from The Age of Chopin, Polish trans. Magdalena Dziadek, Opcje 4 (2006).
- "The Impact of State Ensembles Mazowsze and Slask On Polish Folk Dance Movement in California," Polish American Studies 63, no. 1 (Spring 2006): 5-39.
- "Ultra? Alter? Kontra? minimalizm Louisa Andriessena," in Polish trans. in Glissando 7 (2005).
- "Mater Dolorosa and Maternal Love in Gorecki's Music." Polish Music Journal 6, no. 2 (2003).
- "The Question of Identity: Polish-Jewish Composers in California." Polin: Studies in Polish
Jewry vol. 19 (2007), "Polish-Jewish Relations in North America," Anthony Polonsky, ed.
- "W strone muzykologii narodowej: muzykolodzy wobec muzyki polskiej" [Towards a National Musicology: Scholars and Polish Music,]
the Polish Musicological Quarterly, Muzyka 47, nos. 3-4, special double
issue dedicated to Prof. Michal Bristiger, on his 80th anniversary (2002): 129-143.
- "Passion, Mourning and Black Angels: Ewa Demarczyk as the Voice of the Nation." In conference proceedings
of Poland: Music, Lyric, Nation, conference held at the University of Chicago in April 2001.
East European Meetings in Ethnomusicology vol. 9 (2002): 236-260.
- "Paderewski in Poetry: Master of Harmonies or Poland's Savior?" in
"Paderewski and Polish Emigres in America;" special issue of the
Polish Music Journal 4, no. 1 (Summer 2001).
"From Circles to Nets: on the Signification of Spatial Sound Imagery in New Music." Computer Music Journal 25, no. 4 (2001): 37-54.
Special issue on sound in space.
- "Chopin and Women Composers: Collaborations, Imitations, Inspirations." (MAH). The Polish Review 45, no. 1 (2000): 29-52.
"Spatiality of Sound and Stream Segregation in 20th-Century Instrumental Music." (MAH). Organized
Sound 3, no. 2 (1998): 147-166. Special issue on sound and space.
"Gorecki and the Paradigm of the 'Maternal.'" (MAH). The Musical Quarterly 82, no. 1 (Spring 1998): 82-130.
- "A Mystic in the Cathedral: Music, Image and Symbol in Andriessen's Hadewijch." (MAH).
The American Journal of Semiotics 13, no. 1-4, (Fall 1996 [1998]): 249-275. Special issue, "Signs in Musical Hermeneutics," ed. Siglind Bruhn.
- "The Music of Sound and Light: Xenakis's Polytopes." (MAH).
Leonardo 31, no. 1 (1998): 55-65.
- "Bacewicz, Picasso and the Making of Desire." (MAH). Journal of Musicological
Research 16, no. 4 (1997): 243-282.
"At Home with Phenomenology: Roman Ingarden's Work of Music Revisited." (MAH).
International Journal of Musicology vol. 6 (1997): 9-24. Reprinted in After Chopin: Essays in Polish Music (MT), Los Angeles: Polish Music
Center, 2000, 91-110.
- "An American in Space: Henry Brant's 'Spatial Music'." American Music, 15, no. 1 (Spring 1997): 70-92.
- "Natura naturans, natura naturata and Bartok's nature music idiom."
Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 36, no. 3 (1995):
329-350. Reprinted in Polish as "Natura naturans, natura naturata a idiom muzyki natury Bartoka,"
Polish Musicological Quarterly, Muzyka, 42, no. 1 (1997).
- "To be God with God: Catholic Composers and the Mystical Experience."
Contemporary Music Review, vol. 12, part 2; "Contemporary Music and
Religion," ed. Ivan Moody, (1995): 125-145.
- "Spatial Sound Movement in the Instrumental Music of Iannis Xenakis."
Interface. Journal of New Music Research 23, no. 3 (August 1994):
291-314. Reprinted in Polish as "Technika ruchu dzwieku w muzyce instrumentalnej Xenakisa" [Spatial Sound Movement in the Instrumental
Music of Xenakis]. Polish translation by Dorota Maculewicz, Muzyka 43, no. 4 (1998): 109-132.
- "From Point to Sphere: Spatial Organization of Sound in Contemporary Music (after 1950)."
Canadian University Music Review 13 (1993): 123-144.
- "The Nightingale and the Mysteries of the Night: on Realism and Symbolism of the Song of
the Nightingale in Music." Polish Musicological Quarterly. Muzyka 37, no. 3
(1992): 13-36.
- "Technique of Comedy in Verdi's Falstaff." Polish Musicological Quarterly. Muzyka no. 3 (1991):
3-25, in Polish.
For the list of Conference Papers and Presentations visit the Lectures page.
 Reading "Buddha with Swans" at the Pacific Asia Museum, Poets on Site Event, Pasadena, August 2009.
See the list of published poems on the Poetry page.

Popular Articles and Music Criticism:
- "More Music for Poland's 100th Anniversary of Regained Independence (Vol. 9, No. 12)" on Chopin with Cherries Blog, December 19, 2018:
- "Los Angeles Celebrates 100 Years of Poland's Regained Independence with Music (Vol. 9, No. 11)"on Chopin with Cherries Blog, November 12, 2018:
- "100 Years of Poland in Music - Lecture from Modjeska Club Concert (Vol. 9, No. 8)" on Chopin with Cherries Blog, November 2018: https://chopinwithcherries.blogspot.com/2018/10/100-years-of-poland-in-music-lecture.html
- "From 13 Polish Psalms by Alexander Janta Poczynski (vol. 9 no. 6)" on Chopin with Cherries Blog, August 2018; https://chopinwithcherries.blogspot.com/2018/08/from-13-polish-psalms-by-alexander.html
- "Celebrating Van Gogh's Mulberry Tree and Endless Summers (Vol. 9, No. 2)" on CHopin with Cherries Blog, March 1, 2018: https://chopinwithcherries.blogspot.com/2018/03/celebrating-van-goghs-mulberry-tree-and.html
- "Paderewski and Poland's Independence," on Chopin with Cherries Blog, vol. 9, No. 1, January 7, 2018.
- "Celebrating Tansman's Music and Legacy at 120," on Chopin with Cherries Blog, Vol. 8, No. 5, March 26, 2017.
- "Kornel Ujejski's Dramatic Poems about Chopin in English Translation," on , Vol. 7, No. 3, February 19, 2016.
- "Chopin Monuments around the World IV - Asia", reprinted in MEA Kultura, February 17, 2016
- Chopin Monuments Around the World III - From America to Asteroids, on Chopin with Cherries Blog, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2016.
- "Chopin Monuments Around the World II - Poland, Ukraine, France and England" in MEAKultura, No. 202, October 2015.
- "Chopin Monuments Around the World I - Warsaw, Poland" in MEA Kultura, No. 188, September 2015.
- "Marta Ptaszynska" - profile of the composer in Ruch Muzyczny, July 2015.
- "Maria Szymanowska" profile of the composer in Ruch Muzyczny, March 2015.
"On Virtues of Musicians and Romances of Aristocrats, or Szymanowska in Paris," in MEA Kultura, April 28, 2014.
- "O cnocie muzykow i romansach arystokracji, czyli Szymanowska w Paryzu" in Ruch Muzyczny, May 2014.
- "Created by Stalin, Embraced by
Emigrants? Mazowsze, Slask and the Polish Folk Dance Movement in America" in
Cosmopolitan Review, vol. 4, no. 1-2,
Winter-Spring 2013, March 2013.
- "Muzyczne swiaty Zydow polskich 1920-1960: Miedzynarodowa konferencja w Arizonie", in
MEA Kultura, December 15, 2013.
- "Long Live the Mazurka! Dancing with the Prusinowski Trio," in
MEA Kultura, December 2013.
- "On the Hypnotic Modernism of Maciej Grzybowski" in the
Polish Music Newsletter, vol. 18, no. 6, June 2012.
- "On Letter-writing and the Intimate Chopin," in
MEA Kultura, August 2012.
- "On Szymanowska and Chopin in Paris,"
inMEA Kultura, July 2012.
- "About Maria Szymanowska in Paris," conference report, News of Polonia, November 2011.
- "Gorecki, Chopin and the Mountains," in MEA Kultura, April, 2012
- "Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki - In Memoriam" in The Polish Review, vol. 59, no. 3, Fall 2012.
- "Compassion, Construction and Color: The Music of Marta Ptaszynska," in the IAWM Journal, Fall 2011. Reprinted in
MEA Kultura online, June 2013.
- "Chopin and Film" essay on the Chopin with Cherries Blog, June 28, 2011.
- "Monthly Poetry Column" in the Voice of the Village community paper of the Foothills, October 2010 to June 2013.
- "Tansman's Symphonic Music, vol. 4" - Liner notes for Chandos House Records CD of Alexandre Tansman's symphonic music (Sinfoniettas, Sinfonia Piccola), 2009.
- "Tansman's Symphonic Music, vol. 3" - Liner notes for Chandos House Records CD of Alexandre Tansman Symphonic Music, vol. 3, 2008.
- "Tansman's Piano Music" - Liner notes for Chandos House Records CD of Alexandre Tansman Piano Music, 2009.
- "Muzyka filmowa Jana Kaczmarka w Los Angeles," [Jan Kaczmarek's Film Music in Los Angeles], review of January 20, 2006 concert
in Przeglad Polski (Nowy Dziennik), 27 January 2006.
- "Dwa Muzyczne Kregi," [Two Musical Circles], review of concerts featuring the music of Marta Ptaszynska (October 14, 2005, Paderewski Lecture), and Henryk Vars (November 11, 2005), in Przeglad Polski (Nowy Dziennik),
5 December 2005.
- "Kocyan i Omski kroluja nad Pacyfikiem," review of January 14, 2005 concert in Przeglad Polski (Nowy Dziennik),
30 January 2005.
- "Kocyan and Omsky's Musical Triumph in Los Angeles" - expanded English version of the review, in Polish News, online, 3 February 2005.
- "Stanislaw Drzewiecki i mlodzi laureaci w Disney Hall," Przeglad Polski (Nowy Dziennik), 13 August 2004, p. 4.
- "O Lutoslawskim i Chopinie w Australii i Kalifornii" (Report from the IMS Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, July 2004), Ruch Muzyczny August 2004.
- "Modernistyczno-pierwotny Don Giovanni w Los Angeles." Przeglad Polski [cultural supplement to Nowy Dziennik],
12 June 2003. Online version: http://www.dziennik.com/www/dziennik/kult/dzisiaj.html [June 13, 2003].
- "Tragic Irony of Chance: Andriessen's 'Writing to Vermeer'." Liner notes for Nonesuch CD of Writing to Vermeer, 2006.
- "Manru Paderewskiego" [Paderewski's Manru]. Przeglad Polski [Nowy Dziennik], 26 June 2005, pp. 1-2.
- "Poland and Holland: Inter/nationalism in New Music." CD-ROM, Conference Proceedings (Holland-USA, MIT Press), 1998.
- "Feminism and what it Means to Me," Polish News Online, 2001; http://www.polishnews.com/fulltext/fem/2001/feminism10.shtml
- "20 lat Zielonej Parasolki." Ruch Muzyczny 47, no. 5 (March 2002).
- "Strauss's Opera in New York." Polonia Kalifornijska. February 2002.
- "Andriessen in Tanglewood." Ruch Muzyczny 45, no. 17 (2 September 2001): 21-23.
- "Big Crowds for New Music: Polish Music at the Warsaw Autumn Festival," Musicworks, no. 80 (Summer 2001): 53-54.
- "Filmic Opera Out of Focus." Review of the premiere of Writing to Vermeer. Musicworks, no.
77 (Summer 2000): 47-48.
- "Andriessen+Greenaway=Vermeer?" Review of the premiere of Writing to Vermeer. Ruch Muzyczny 44 no. 15 (July 2000): 33-35.
- "Amsterdam: Andriessen's Writing to Vermeer" - Review of the premiere. Tempo, no. 212 (March/April 2000).
- "Music News." Monthly column in News of Polonia with reports of current events, mini-essays and interviews,
1997-2001; "Interview with Janina Fialkowska" in vol. 4, no. 11 (April 1999), "The Holocaust and Polish Music" in vol. 4, no. 12 (May 1999).
- "Swieto muzyki polskiej w Evanston" [A celebration of Polish music in Evanston]. Ruch Muzyczny 43, no. 6 (March 1999): 14-15.
- "Po polsku i po babsku" [In Polish and in "womanish"]. Ruch Muzyczny 41, no. 16
(September 1997).
- "Pol roku z muzyka w Los Angeles." [Half a year with music in L.A.]. Ruch Muzyczny
41, no. 11 (June 1997): 19-21.
- "Muzyka polska w Montrealu." [Polish Music in Montreal]. Ruch Muzyczny 39, no. 18 (3
September 1995): 26-27. In Polish.
- "Dein Schmerz war Dein Gluck," [Your pain was your happiness], an eulogy for Iannis Xenakis,
in German trans. by Gisele Gronemeyer, Musiktexte, no. 89 (Spring 2001): 54-58;
special issue dedicated to Xenakis.
- "Percussion, Poetry and Color: The Music of Marta Ptaszynska." (MAH). Musicworks, no. 74 (Summer 1999).
- "Triumphs of Modernity: Xenakis's Kraanerg at the National Arts Centre"
Musicworks , no. 68 (Winter 1997): 24-31, (paper co-authored with James Harley).
- "Ritual und Klangschaft. Zur Musik von R. Murray Schafer." [Ritual and soundscape in the music of R. Murray Schafer]
in German translation by Martina Homma, MusikTexte, 67/68 (January 1997): 23-34.
- "Notes on Polish Women Composers." Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and
Sciences in Canada and the Polish Library vol. 13 (1996): 36-40. Also published in the
IAWM Journal 2, no. 2 (June 1996): 13-15. Reprinted on PMC Web Site.
- "Notes on Music Ecology as a New Research Paradigm." Journal of Acoustic Ecology, at the
Web Site of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, 1995 .
- "Polski rok bez Beli Bartoka." [Polish year without Bela Bartok]. Ruch Muzyczny
40, no. 1 (January 1996).
- "Dzwiek i zycie: Narodziny ekologii dzwiekowej." [Sound and life: The birth of acoustic
ecology]. Ruch Muzyczny 39, no. 6 (19 March 1995): 6-7. In Polish.
- "Birds in Concert: North-American Birdsong in Bartok's Piano Concerto No. 3."
Tempo. A Quarterly Review of Modern Music, no. 189 (June 1994):
Reviews of Books and Journals:
- Review of Maria Wilczek-Krupa, Gorecki: Geniusz i Upor (Krakow: ZNAK, 2018), in Polish Review vol. 65, no. 3, 2029: 111-113.
- Review of Jan Wiktor Sienkiewicz, Artysci Andersa [Anders's Artists], 3rd edition, 2015. Polish American Studies, vol. 75, no. 2 (Autumn 2018): 112-117.
- "Music in Troubled Times: On Andrzej Panufnik" [Review Essay on
Beata Boleslawska, Andrzej Panufnik, 2015]." The Polish Review, vol. 68, no. 1 (2018): 69-74.
- Review of John Z. Guzlowski, Echoes of Tattered Tongues: Memory Unfolded (Los Angeles: Aquila Polonica, 2015), ISBN 978-1-60772-021-8, in Cosmopolitan Review, No. 1, 2016, online.
- Review of Twentieth-Century Music and Politics. Essays in Memory of Neil Edmunds, edited by Pauline Fairclough (Ashgate Publishing Company, Farnham, England and Burlington, VT, 2013). In the Polish Review vol. 60, 2016.
- Review of David G. Tompkins, Composing the party line: Music and politics in early cold war Poland and East Germany,
(Purdue University Press, 2013). The Polish Review 59 no. 2 (2014): 106-112. Available on
- Review of Charles S. Kraszewski, Irresolute Heresiach: Catholicism, Gnosticism and Paganism in the Poetry of Czeslaw Milosz
(Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011), in The Sarmatian Review, voll 33 no. 2, April 2013.
- Review of four books on Polish music in the Slavic and East European Journal, vol. 57 no. 1, Spring 2013. Books: a) Making Music in
the Polish Tatras: Tourists, Ethnographers, and Mountain Musicians by Timothy J. Cooley (Bloomington and Indianapolis:
Indiana University Press, 2005), b) The Polish Singers Alliance of America, 1888-1998: Choral Patriotism by
Stanislaus A. Blejwas (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2005); c) Polish Music since Szymanowski by
Adrian Thomas (Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press, 2005); and d) European Fin-de-siècle and Polish Modernism: the
Music of Mieczyslaw Karlowicz, edited by Luca Sala (Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni, 2010).
- Review of Making Music in
the Polish Tatras: Tourists, Ethnographers, and Mountain Musicians by Timothy J. Cooley (Bloomington and Indianapolis:
Indiana University Press, 2005) in the Ecomusicology Newsletter, vol. 2 no. 1, March 2013.
- Review of Luca Sala, ed., European Fin-de-siecle and Polish Modernism: the Music of Mieczyslaw Karlowicz, Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni, 2010, in Fontes Artis Musicae, 2013.
- Review of Beth Holmgren, Starring Madame Modjeska (Indiana University Press, 2012), in Polish American Studies, 2013.
- Review of Leon Markiewicz, ed., Grzegorz Fitelberg - Korespondencja (Katowice: Fundacja Konkursow Dyrygentow im. G. Fitelberga, 2003), in
The Polish Review 50, no. 2 (2005): 232-237.
- Review of Magdalena Dziadek, Polska Krytyka Muzyczna 1880-1910 (Cieszyn: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2002), in
The Polish Review 50, no. 2 (2005): 208-212.
- Review of Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed., Andrzej Panufnik and His Music (Krakow: Musica Iagellonica, 2003), Notes (Music
Library Association Quarterly) 61, no. 2 (December 2004): 441-443.
- Review of Karol Berger, A Theory of Art [Oxford University Press, 2001], in Polish, Muzyka 48, no.1 (2003): 128-135.
"Towards an Entelechy of Analysis: Entaxy, Entropy, and Music" [Book Review], Music Analysis 17, no. 3 (1998).
- "Xenakis by Nouritza Matossian" [Book Review], Muzyka 43, no. 4 (1998).
- "An outsider's view." Review of Musicology Australia vol. 18 (1995),
in Musicology Australia vol. 19 (1996).
- Review of Music Analysis 1982, nos. 1-3; 1983, nos. 1-3. Muzyka 31, no. 4
(1986), in Polish.
- "Recent books about Bartok." Tempo no. 197 (September 1996).

Editorials, Bibliographies, Dictionary Entries:
- PAHA Newsletter of the Polish American Historical Association. Editor since the Spring of 2010, publishing two issues per year.
- Entries on Jozef Hoffman, Artur Rubinstein, Roman Totenberg, Roman Ryterband, Henry Stojowski, Henry Vars, Liberace, krakowiak, and oberek for
James Pula, ed., The Polish American Encyclopedia, McFarland and Polish American Historical Association, 2011.
- Entry on Krzysztof Penderecki, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C., 2007.
- Entries on Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki and Ignacy Jan Paderewski for Biographical Dictionary of Literary Influences: The Twentieth Century, ed. John Powell (Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press), 2004.
- Entry on Birdsong (MAH) in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians II. London: McMillan, 2000.
- Entries on Marta Ptaszynska, Urszula Dudziak, and Marcelina Sembrich-Kochanska
in Women and Music in America Since 1900: An Encyclopedia. Kristine H. Burns, Editor-in-
Chief, The Oryx Press, 2002.
- "Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki - Bibliography," written with James Harley. Polish Music Journal 6, no. 2 (2003).
- "Stojowski - Selected Writings (1907-1943)" [editor]. Polish Music Journal 5, no. 2 (Winter 2002), "Zygmunt Stojowski and His Times."
- "Selected Reviews of Stojowski's Music (1907-1943)" [editor]. Polish Music Journal 5, no. 2 (Winter 2002), "Zygmunt Stojowski and His Times."
"Program Notes for Stojowski's Works (1913-1916)" [editor]. Polish Music Journal 5, no. 2 (Winter 2002), "Zygmunt Stojowski and His Times."
"American Reception of Polish Music (1902-1944)" [editor]. Polish Music Journal 5, no. 2 (Winter 2002), "Zygmunt Stojowski and His Times."
"Witold Lutoslawski - Bibliography" [with James Harley and Martina Homma]. Polish Music Journal 5, no. 1 (Summer 2002).
"Andrzej Panufnik - Bibliography." Polish Music Journal 5, no. 1 (Summer 2002).
"Grazyna Bacewicz - Bibliography" [with James Harley]. Polish Music Journal 5, no. 1 (Summer 2002).
- "Selected Bibliography of Paderewski" [with Malgorzata Perkowska]. Polish Music Journal 4, no. 2 (winter 2001).
- "List of Writings and Lectures by I. J. Paderewski" [with Malgorzata Perkowska]. Polish Music Journal 4, no. 2 (winter 2001).
- "Selected Writings and Speeches by Paderewski" [editor]. Polish Music Journal 4, no. 2 (winter 2001).
- "Selected Articles about Paderewski" [editor]. Polish Music Journal 4, no. 2 (winter 2001).
- "Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki at 70," editorial article for the Polish Music Journal 6, no. 2 (2003), special issue on Gorecki.
- "Separation and Belonging: Polish Jews, Jewish Poles and their Music," editorial article for Polish Music
Journal 6, no. 1 (2003), special issue "Polish Jewish Music: Sources and Studies."
- "Stojowski, Paderewski, and Polish Music in America,"
editorial article for the Polish
Music Journal 5, no. 2 (Winter 2002).
- "Bacewicz, Wilk Prizes, and Polish Music Secrets,"
editorial article for the Polish
Music Journal 5, no. 1 (Summer 2002).
- "Paderewski and Polish Emigre Composers," editorial
article for the Polish Music Journal 4, no. 1 (Summer 2000).
- "Chopin and Lutoslawski," editorial article for the Polish
Music Journal 3, no. 2 (Winter 2000).
- "Chopin Studies in Poland," preface to the
Polish Music Journal 3, no. 1 (Summer 2000).
- "Celebrating the Chopin Year," editorial article for the
Polish Music Journal 2, nos. 1-2 (Summer/Winter 1999).
- "Old and New in Polish Music," editorial article for the
Polish Music Journal 1, no. 2 (Winter 1998).
"Wilk Prizes and the New Journal," editorial article for the
Polish Music Journal 1, no. 1 (Summer 1998).
- "Music for the Nation or the Nation for Music?" Introduction to
After Chopin: Studies in Polish Music. (MT). Los Angeles: Polish Music Center at USC, 2000, 1-14.
- "Podstawowa bibliografia Xenakisowska" [co-authored with James Harley], Muzyka 43 no. 4, 1998.
- "Dlaczego Xenakis?" ["Why Xenakis?" Editorial Article], Muzyka 43, no. 4 (1998): 3-15.
 Guest lecture at Napa Elementary, Northridge, 2009.

- "The Music of Writing to Vermeer. Louis Andriessen in Conversation with Maja Trochimczyk. Nonesuch CD of
Writing to Vermeer, 2006.
- "O Chopinie i nie tylko: Z Wojciechem Kocyanem rozmawia Maja Trochimczyk" Przeglad Polski [Nowy Dziennik], March 11, 2005.
- "About Life and Music: A Semi-serious Conversation. (with Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki)." (MAH).
The Musical Quarterly 82, no. 1 (Spring 1998): 68-81.
- "Musique, espace, et spatialisation: Entretien de Iannis Xenakis avec Maria Harley"
Circuit. Revue Nord-Americaine de Musique du XXe Siecle 5, no. 2,
Espace Xenakis (1994): 9-20. Transl. Marc Hyland.
- "Paul Sacher Visits McGill. An Interview with Dr. Sacher." Music McGill, no. 26
(1995): 4-5.
- Unpublished interviews with Pierre Boulez, R. Murray Schafer, Henry Brant, Krystyna Moszumanska-Nazar, Bernadetta Matuszczak,
Henryk Gorecki, Wlodzimierz Kotonski, Zygmunt Krauze, and other contemporary composers, 1992- present.

Internet Sites:
- Website and Blog of the Polish American Historical Assocation managed in 2009-2020: www.polishamericanstudies.org, and PAHANews.blogspot.com
- Blog - chopinwithcherries.blogspot.com dedicated to music and poetry
with a focus on Chopin, since July 2010.
- Blog - poetrylaurels.blogspot.com blog of the Sixth Poet
Laureate of Sunland Tujunga, dedicated to poetry in the community, since September 2010
- Website of Village Poets and Blog of Village Poets of Sunland Tujunga, with its monthly poetry readings.
- Moonrise Press Website and Blog of a small publisher of poetry, art, and music books, founded in 2008, Los Angeles.
- Trochimczyk.net Personal website with editions of Glorias and Assorted Praises, Poems for my Friend, Rose Always, and photo albums.
See the Poetry Site.
- PMC Newsletter. Co-editor, with Wanda Wilk. Monthly; at News.
Including Director's Reports, "Composer of the Month" Column and Mini-Essays. January 1997 - May 2002.
- Polish Dance site at the Polish Music Center; partly sponsored by the Southern California Studies Center, 2000.
See Dance.
- Web sites for composers Grazyna Bacewicz, Maria Szymanowska, Hanna Kulenty, Michal Kleofas Oginski, Henryk Gorecki, Aleksander
Tansman, Zygmunt Stojowski, Wladyslaw Zelenski. Polish Music
Center, 1997-2002. See Composers.
- Polish National Anthems site at the Polish Music Center. See Anthems.
- "The Briefest History of Polish Music." Introductory essay in the Program Book of the
Music Festival/Festival de Musique Polonaise, Montreal, June 1995; reprinted on PMC Web Site, see Essays.

Cover of bilingual edition of Andrzej Wendland's Gorecki, Penderecki: Diptych, Moonrise Press, 2018.
- Six photographs of roses and leaves in Grateful Conversations: A Poetry Anthology, edited by Maja Trochimczyk and Kathi Stafford (Moonrise Press, 2018).
- 12 Photos of Roses at the Hellada Gallery, "California Blooming" exhibition, April 2018.
- Solo Exhibition "Rose of Roses" with 34 framed photos at the Back Door Bakery and Cafe, February 4 - April 30, 2017.
Three photos in Femmewise Cat, a special women's art issue of the Clockwise Cat, March 2015.
- Two photos in "Reflections in Relationships" - Poetry Corner by Kathabela Wilson, ColoradoBoulevard.net, January 2015.
- "Paws for Reading" - Group Photo Exhibition at La Crescenta Public Library in association with a poetry reading by Village Poets, July 2014. Five Photographs.
- "Big Tujunga Wash" photo used in an Interpretative Sign by Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Big Tujunga Wash, Fall 2015.
- "Shadows - Leaves - Roses," Solo Photography Exhbition, Scenic Drive Gallery, Monrovia, September 1-22,2013. Photos from the opening reception and poetry reading
on Picasa Web Album. A report with selected poems and images on Poetry Laurels, September 3, 2013.
- "Pomegranates" - two photographs in The Femmewise Cat, special issue of the Clockwise Cat, March 2015.
- Three Photographs - A Rose, Mountain Clouds, and A Man on the Pier - in the Epiphany Magazine, No. 16, October 2012.
- Artist in Residence, nine nature photographs from California summer ("Maple Mini Me, Peeling Years Off, Rose Shadow, Sago Sun, Shades of Palmistry, Dawn Sky, Blacck Orchid, Grass Blades in Gold, Heart Shadow," at poeticdiversity.com, August 2009.
- "white shade wet" - photograph of a rose at dawn,The Houston Literary Review, June 2009, visual arts issue.
- Roses from the garden and the Rose Parade, 50 photos for the poetry book, Rose Always, Moonrise Press, 2008. See www.trochimczyk.net and Moonrise Press.
- Photographs of mountains, flowers, rocks, and gardens for the poetry book, Miriam's Iris, Moonrise Press, 2008. See www.trochimczyk.net and Moonrise Press.
- Nature photography for online chapbooks, Poems and Stories, Glorias and Assorted Praises, and Poems for my Friend.
- Multimedia photography to accompany James Harley's electroacoustic composition, Night Flowering. . . not even sand II. Vox Machina CD issued by G.E.M.S., Group of the Electronic Music Studio, McGill University. ISBN 7717-0537-9. (Images of the desert in United Arab Emirates).
- News photography of musical and charity events, published in Ruch Muzyczny, Polonia Kalifornijska,
PMC Newsletter, Polish Music Center's Web Site, The Sage - Quarterly Newsletter of Catholic Charities, and other publications,
See the list of readings and other events on the Events and Lectures pages.

CURRENT: - California State Poetry Society (2015-), Member of Editorial Board (2018-); President (2019-).
- Polish American Historical Association (1999-), Officer and Board Member in 2009-2020, Communications Director in 2010-2020,
Secretary and Communications Director in 2015-2020.
- Helena Modjeska Arts and Culture Club in Los Angeles (1997-), President in 2010-2012 and in 2018-2021
- Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, member (1996-)
- American Musicological Society (1991-)
Ecomusicology Study Group Board, the Ecomusicology Review Editorial Board (2012-2020)
- American College of Healthcare Executives, member (2013-2014)
- Association of Fundraising Professionals, Greater Los Angeles Chapter (2004-2016), Awards Committee (2007, Corporate and Foundation Subcommittees Co-chair, Event Sponsorship Chair)
- European-American Sheriff's Advisory Council, representative of Poland (2012-2014)
- Volt, Music Theater Company, Long Beach (Advisory and Founding Board Member, 2005-2010)
- Polish American Congress, Southern California Chapter (2007-2017)
- Polish University Club of Los Angeles, Chair of Scholarship Committee (1998-2008)
- International Alliance of Women in Music (1997-2004)

- Michael Escoubas, review of Grateful Conversations: A Poetry Anthology, online in Quill and Parchment, April 2019. Reprinted on Moonrise Press Blog: http://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2019/04/review-of-grateful-conversations-by.html
- Irena Poniatowska, review of Frederic Chopin: A Research and Information Guide (Routledge, 2015), Chopin Review, No. 1 (2018). http://chopinreview.com/pages/main/13
Margaret Saine. Review of Miriam's Iris, or Angels in the Garden (Moonrise Press, 2008), in the
California State Poetry Society "Poetry Letter" No. 3, 2016: https://www.californiastatepoetrysociety.org/images/PoetryLetters/16%203%20Poetry%20Letter.pdf
- Zofia Reklewska-Braun, review of Slicing the Bread Poetry Chapbook (Georgetown, KY: Finishing Line Press, 2014), in
Goniec, March 2015
- Sally Boss, review of Slicing the Bread Poetry Chapbook (Finishing Line Press, 2014), in the Sarmatian Review, April 2015, p. 1931-1932.
- Robert Strybel, review of Slicing the Bread Poetry Chapbook (Finishing Line Press, 2014), in the Polish American Journal, January 2015.
- Juliane Brand, review of "The Musical Worlds of Polish Jews, 1920-1960: Identity, Politics and Culture," Conference at the
University of Arizona, Nov. 2013. The Orel Foundation.
- Grazyna Kozaczka, review of Chopin with Cherries and Meditations on Divine Names anthologies in The Polish Review, 2013, forthcoming.
- Christopher Woods, review of Chopin with Cherries in Contemporary World Literature 5, February 2011.
- Elizabeth Kanski, "A Tribute to Chopin in Verse," review of Chopin with Cherries: A Tribute in Verse in Polish American Journal, September 2010 p. 21.
- Alison Ross, review of Chopin with Cherries: A Tribute in Verse in
The Clockwise Cat
May, 2010).
- John Z. Guzlowski, review of Chopin with Cherries: A Tribute in Verse in The Cosmopolitan
Review 2 no. 1 (Spring 2010).
- Thomas, G. Murray, review of the Miriam's Iris poetry collection. Poetix.net, February 2010.
- Bayley, Amanda. Review of Lutoslawski Studies, edited by Zbigniew Skowron (with chapter "Dans la nuit: The Themes of Night and Death in Lutoslawski's Oeuvre"),
Musical Times 144, no. 1882 (Spring 2003): 71-72.
- Bellman, Jonathan. Review The Age of Chopin edited by Halina Goldberg (with chapter on
"Chopin and the 'Polish Race'"). Journal of Musicological Research 24, no. 1 (January-March 2005): 81 - 84.
- Bloch, Gregory W. "The Problem With Andriessen," Review Essay. Review of Trochimczyk's The Music of Louis
Andriessen and Robert Adlington's Louis Andriessen: De Staat (London: Ashgate, 2004).
Echo 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). www.echo.ucla.edu/volume6-issue2/reviews/bloch.html.
- Cross, Ian. Review of Musicology and Sister Disciplines: Past, Present, Future. Proceedings of the
16th International Congress of the International Musicological Society, edited by David Greer, London, 1997. In Music and Letters 84, no. 2 (May 2003): 261-265.
- Harsh, Ed. Review of The Music of Louis Andriessen (2002), in Notes, Music Library Association Quarterly, 60, no. 1 (September 2003): 160-162.
- Maciejewicz, Dorota. Review of After Chopin: Essays in Polish Music (2000), in Muzyka 48, no. 3 (2003).
- Makowski, Jenna. Review of Polish Dance in Southern California. Journal of Folklore Research, November 2008.
Milewski, Barbara. Review of The Age of Chopin edited by Halina Goldberg (with chapter on
"Chopin and the 'Polish Race'"). Notes. Music Library Association Quarterly 62, no. 1 (September 2005): 121-122.
- Rae, Caroline. Review of Lutoslawski Studies edited by Zbigniew Skowron (2003), in Music and Letters 85, no. 1 (February 2004), 127-132.
- Reyland, Nicholas. "A Protean Diversity: Lutoslawski Studies," review of Lutoslawski Studies edited
by Zbigniew Skowron with a chapter by Trochimczyk, Polish Music Journal 5, 2 (2002). www.usc.edu/dept/polish_music/PMJ/archives.html
- Rosenblum, Sandra P. Review of After Chopin: Essays in Polish Music (2000), in Notes, Music Library Association
Quarterly, 58, no. 2 (June 2002).
- Saine, Margaret. Reviews of "Rose Always - A Court Love Story" (rev. ed. 2011) and of "Miriam's Iris, or Angels in the Garden" (2008), forthcoming in the California Quarterly, Fall 2015.
- Schwarz, Anne. Review of Maria Szymanowska: Pianist and Composer, by Slawomir Dobrzanski, with a chapter on Szymanowska's songs. The Polish Review 51 no. 1 (2009): 105-107.
- Sharpe, David Leviston. Review of The Music of Louis Andriessen, October 2002. New Music Works, London, England,
- Samson, Jim. Review of After Chopin: Essays in Polish Music (2000), in The Slavic Review 61, no. 1 (June 2002).
- Wright, David. Review of The Music of Louis Andriessen (2002), in Tempo: A Quarterly Review of Modern Music no. 57/225 (2003).

- Interview with Ilona Europa on her Radio showAccent On! LA Talk Radio. 29 April 2019. https://www.latalkradio.com/content/accent-042919%20?fbclid=IwAR0BNbhh4-aAWKsdnlF2u9-Dsgl7dSWalhD62tlXVjMi-ibHYv8B0SIZKyY#audio_play
Interview with Witold Janczys, "U nas w Amerike" - written, in Russian, March 2018; Delphi, https://www.delfi.lt/multimedija/u-nas-i-amerikie/u-nas-v-amerike-ceny-tozhe-rastut-no-i-zarplaty-uvelichivayutsya.d?id=77319547
- "Zycie Pomiedzy Polska a USA" - A series of Broadcast Radio Interviews with Ewa Szczecinska, in Polish; Polish Radio 2 (a week-long series of 15-minute interviews about family history, emigration, and life), broadcast
in March 2018. https://www.polskieradio.pl/8/380/Artykul/2082339,Maja-Trochimczyk-Zycie-pomiedzy-Polska-a-USA
- "Od Xenakisa do Szymanowskiej" Broadcast Interview with Ewa Szczecinska, Polish Radio 2 (one hour conversation in Polish)
- Wilson, Kathabela. "Mapping the Artist: Maja Trochimczyk" in Colorado Boulevard Magazine, www.coloradoboulevard.net, November 22, 2014.
Full Version published on Chopin with Cherries Blog, vol. 6 no. 5, June 5, 2015
- Skies, Apryl. "Local Poets Weigh in on the Power of Language to Celebrate National Poetry Month"
in NoHo Art District Magazine, April 2012.
- Vogel, Benjamin. "W Salonie Marii Szymanowskiej." in Polish in Ruch Muzyczny, November 2011.
- "Maja Trochimczyk" - Biographic Entry in Wikipedia, online, 2007.
- General Books, American Music Historians: Alan Lomax, John Lomax, Helen Hartness Flanders, Nat Hentoff, Maja Trochimczyk, Elijah Wald, John Mcglinn
May 2010.
- Interview with Lois P. Jones on Poets Cafe, KPFK 90.7FM, March 30, 2011, archived on her website: Maja Trochimczyk Interview
- Andrew Angus. "Interview with Maja Trochimczyk, Poet from Poland", Muses Review, online, No. 43, 2010
- Dutka, Elaine. "How USC Nabbed the Great Gorecki," Los Angeles Times, 1 October 1997.
- Inglis, Jadwiga. "Kompozytorka Joanna Bruzdowicz w Los Angeles," The Summit Times (January 2004), Wirtualna Polonia (January 2004).
- Inglis, Jadwiga. "Piec tysiecy stron o muzyce. Rozmowa z Maja Trochimczyk," [Five thousand pages about music. An interview with Maja Trochimczyk]. Interview in Polish, in
News of Polonia (March 2004), The Summit Times (February 2004), and Glos/Voice (April 2004), reprinted in Bialy Orzel/White Eagle (May 2007).
(c) Copyright 2007-2020 by Maja Trochimczyk.
P.O. Box 4288, Sunland, California 91041-4288.
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